

Holiday Gift Wrap Ideas

The Holiday is coming up quick and that means it's time to wrap lots of presents! Oh the choices we have! Let's think of some fun ones, you may already have materials in your house to do..
First, try and use up all your leftover wrap from last year before buying more. I'll treat myself sometimes and buy 1 roll to use that's new to add in. Try and find recycled gift wrap. It's out there! And it's important to try and use recycled everything when you can. Just be sure and read the labels.

Good other materials you can use for giftwrap are:
- Using newspaper with nice twine or bright ribbons to offset the neutral color
- Leftover wall paper (untreated on the back)
-Try using a recycled magazine, take out the staples and use the sheets as wrap. This can be a fun glossy brightly colored alternative!
- Print designs on kraft paper
- You can use fabric you may have. Play with wrapping it like a big candy and tying ribbon at both ends, or maybe using safety pins to adds some details?
- To make packages more fun, wrap gifts in various styles and designs.

Good materials to use for ribbons are:
-Any ribbons leftover from last years packages, reuse!

-Ribbon, lace or fabric you may have.
-Raffia, paper ribbon
-Yarns work amazing! Use a fun novelty one!

Once you have the ribbons, add on:
-Any ornaments you may have you can pass along to a friend or family member

-A small toy, little decorations of any kind or bells

-Cinnamon sticks, Dried flowers, Holly or evergreen sprigs

When the package is just about ready, we need a tag!
-Make your own easily by cutting out paper and hand writing a note

-Use a stamp you can buy at a craft store that says TO and FROM, use on anything!

-Use sticker labels, using less paper and adheres easily to the paper.

Gift wrapping can be fun! Put on some Christmas music and spend the evening with a nice cup of tea and wrap away!

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