

Easy - Make Your Own Christmas Wreath

This year, everyone is trying to conserve in every way, so why do the same with decorating? No need to go and spend a bundle on decorations for your house. We can make it look like the holidays for free.. Or almost free!

First, Make your own wreath! Have a pine or two in your backyard? In simple steps you can create your own wreathe and hang it in just an afternoon. All you need is sprigs of evergreen branches, at least 10"-12" long, some wire and a round base to wrap them to. Usually you can buy a frame for $2 or less (almost free), Or create your own wire circle shape or use an old wreath frame you may have lying around.

Start by tying the wire on the frame in one area. (If using a frame that you bought, make sure the curve of the frame faces down.) This is where you will start.

Grab a bundle of the evergreen, about 2-4 pieces, lay them down, all facing one direction, and wrap the wire around it all 2 x. While keeping the wire taut, next, grab another bundle of pine and do the same.

Continue until you have the wreath covered with evergreen. In the last place, fill with evergreen as before until looks full, wrap the wire around 2x and turn the wreathe over, holding the wire taut. Tie it to the frame and cut.

Now, hold up your beautiful wreath and observe which angle would be best for hanging. Trim any edges that may look unruly. Turn over, and create a wire hanger by tying the wire on, make a U and thread it to another part of the frame, then double the wire back over the U and twist it around the original wire. Tie to frame and cut. This reinforces the frame hanger.

Now, turn it over and let's decorate!! Have some ribbon laying around from some old project? If it will be outside, choose a stiffer ribbon to deal with rain, wind, etc. To put any decorations on the wreath, just wrap it with wire at one spot and then tie on to wreath from front, twist the wire to back. You can decorate the wreath with almost anything! Let your kids choose fun stuff like little toys, use found pine cones in your backyard, make some fake berries you have from an old decoration, any Christmas tree decorations you aren't using this year? Put them on!

Remember, you can make the wreath any size you want, use any decorations and ribbon you like and when you are done, you've made a wonderful decoration for your house that cost you next to nothing! Happy Holidays!!

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