

New Years!!

Wishing Everyone a Very Happy New Year 2010!!!
Time to think about those resolutions..Think of what you want for yourself in the next year, Maybe that set aside dream you always wanted to follow? A hobby you wanted to start but held off? What a perfect time to start!

Here's some small n easy New Years ideas:
-Get a start on clearing and cleaning house and donate what you don't use anymore.
-How about changing up a room to a new furniture set up?
-Find some brand new music this is great for that..and free!
-Try a new dish next time you go out to eat!
-Learn how to bake or cook something you always wanted to know how
-Make something handmade for someone as a gift
-Volunteer at a local nonprofit/charity or donate to a good cause
-Set aside a 1/2 or 1 hour for yourself each day to relax! Take a bath, meditate, read a good book, dance in your room, or just lay and daydream!
-Tell someone you love them when you can!

No guilt! No Race! Just enjoy your New Year and appreciate it all!!

1 comment:

  1. hello... you had a link showing your new label for cpsia. Now this link does not open. Do you have another picture of your label. I though it was a great example.
