

My Recycled Robots in ReArt ReUse Exhibit

The MADArt gallery is putting on an Exhibit at the Palace Theater in Hamilton NY. It's titled ReArt ReUse, where they showcase recycled materials made into art! They have some great works made from recycled magazines, bronze and wood. I was lucky to have one of my robots I created from collected cans and parts to be showcased on the poster! The exhibit runs from March 28th till May 23rd. You can visit the Palace Theater HERE
To watch a short You Tube Video of the display, CLICK HERE

Be Sure to come by and check it out!!


Cosa Verde

Ecoleeko is now on Cosaverde, "a new marketplace
connecting independent and emerging artists
with environmentally-conscious consumers."

To read more about Cosa Verde and their mission click HERE


What you Eat.."Maggots in your Mushrooms"

My dad sent me a NYT Article called "Maggots in your Mushrooms". I had to find the FDA Resource "The Food Defect Action Levels" to see if it was true, and sure enough all 35 pages verify everything! You have to take a look..It's crazy!


Ecoleeko Mini Mushroom Samples

You can take a peek at the Mini Mushroom samples for the Vegan Sampler HERE
Along with other great samples!!!