Time to think about those resolutions..Think of what you want for yourself in the next year, Maybe that set aside dream you always wanted to follow? A hobby you wanted to start but held off? What a perfect time to start!
Here's some small n easy New Years ideas:
-Get a start on clearing and cleaning house and donate what you don't use anymore.
-How about changing up a room to a new furniture set up?
-Find some brand new music this year..www.pandora.com is great for that..and free!
-Try a new dish next time you go out to eat!
-Learn how to bake or cook something you always wanted to know how
-Make something handmade for someone as a gift
-Volunteer at a local nonprofit/charity or donate to a good cause
-Set aside a 1/2 or 1 hour for yourself each day to relax! Take a bath, meditate, read a good book, dance in your room, or just lay and daydream!
-Tell someone you love them when you can!
No guilt! No Race! Just enjoy your New Year and appreciate it all!!